[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

@Min I think your problem with how youre playing is that you take people throwing shade on you too seriously. Because it makes you look evil if you go on the aggressive as soon as you get shaded. If youre getting frustrated take a break and come back later

Because it allows wolves like Gorta to push your buttons to shade you/waste time

I don’t care right now about any other site

I’m being unfairly treated like I know everything and it’s genuinely annoying and unfair

I don’t care how bad you think I look I’m not even talking about the game but when I’m being treated and compared to forum wolflords it’s genuinely frustrating

U are not being treated unfairly
I don’t not treat people any different
Plz fucking stop


take a break

calm down

come back later

no, I remember the exact thing you are talking about and was going to quote it, but I legit didn’t see it

I know, that was my d1 theory

I just get funny vibes, but I will re-eval that slot overnight and see what changes. I I find it hard to explain my reads sometimes

Believe it or not you’re not my mom

Srry but I’m not gonna be told I’m playing as an expert wolf it genuinely pisses me off

I’m literally saying sr me if you want but I’m not changing my personality because of what someone says

I want to express my feelings about people I’m playing with, without being personally attacked like I’m some bully when that has and will never be my intention

Alright so I can see that your read has literally just degenrated into “it’s just gut lmao”

Do you have any other reads?

take a break dude

No it’s literally like what an hour before eod

That’s the basis for most of my reads and it gets me along fine. My goal in more recent games has been working on translating those reads into words

If u had never mentioned you were new, I’d probably still make the same read, “You seem very acquainted with the game of Mafia”

I can read players like Alice or Derps by gut

I don’t care

There’s times when you clearly don’t treat everyone equally


I think its obvious that this conversation is not gonna be productive, can we talk about anything else?

i dont care

post reads about this game

Not everyone acts the exact same in a game and I shouldn’t be punished because I don’t act normal

I want gorta to hammer at and just end the goddamn day already

Ok look, take a break for 5 minutes, you and wiisp both. It’s obvious this conversation isnt gonna do anything