[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

What? I am not trying to shade Min here. I am offering support

I’m not toxic like this

Please don’t think I am I don’t act like this usually

I’m just really fucking upset and this game sucks so hard

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Check my ISO


How am I shading Min in the post you replied to?

wdym post you replied to

This is a macro thing

I am confused

I’ve asked you for other reads, you wont post them. I’ve asked you to explain your read in more detail, you cant. Yet you continue to push this read over anything else. I think at this point we’ve exhausted anything useful that could come from this angle and I want to know if you have literally any other thoughts

Anyways I have to go do work, brb

How much longer is in the day?

Day ends in 1 hour and 3 minutes.


There is literally nothing else to talk about

Can someone just hammer

I’m ready to vote now.

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I was hopping on to catch up. I didn’t see anything much that changes things.

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But I see Gorta typing, so I’ll let him finish up

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I have, just read my damn ISO. You want more reads then don’t ask me to hammer

I did try to explain my read, even if it was flawed. Didn’t you read the part where I said I would re-evaluate Min’s slot?

Read my damn ISO and stop with the manipulative bs speak you are doing

/vote ATNoName

/vote ATNoName @Mercenary


Hammer down!

Stop talking.
Final Votecount

Voted Count Accusers
ATN 9/9 GGhana, Min, Ami, ArcticXI, osieorb18, Wiisp, Trochilidae, Surge, Whysper
Apprentice 1/9 TrustworthyLiberal
Ami 1/9 ATN