[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

I just wanted to tunnel gorta in peace

Genious, but on the other side - converting group scum would be even better meme.

can only convert solo players not group scum


for real

so SK’s/neuts/solo scum faction can be converted but not others

welcome to the towncore loser

And how do you know it?

yeah cloned talked about it earlier he almost picked it

I actually asked about this when I was an alien 1 shot recruiter in the first rand

Cloned mentioned this when talking about his discard which is the Cult One-shot recruiter

imagine thinking we wont tunnel gorta now

especially cause gorta b kinda B O X E D I N tho


if we do tunnel gorta I’m going to be pissed


you’re welcome app
i’m an evil little bastard aren’t i?

well trochi is lock clear so that’s helpful

so on a scale of 1-10 how bad of a time is it to rescind my vig claim

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Trochi, GGhana, Surge, TL are all def town. I’m now town. We have a lot to work with


min and eevee are also town

whysper is also probably town

game solved gentlemen