[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

arctic nobody is townreading ami

like nobody

take the book of conventions you normally read people in FM by and convert into toliet paper

thats a better use for it if you wanna read me

dont forget i got a red check on ami

i am town tracker cringe cop lover

not only did i track her to light, i also got a red check for her posting cringe

yall hear sumthing?

yes i hear it

it sounds like

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today since i doubt anything productive is gonna happen im just gonna shitpost so i can get a 2000+ iso because im an illegal marshal alt

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fuck u and all u stand for

still ain’t doing shit til i hear from the “other side” tho

@Trochilidae wdym ami was like right here

also i should probably tell you that ami is pocketing osie

ah yes
defending a town read currently on the block to be executed
what a valuable pocket

no you see i am playing 4d chess against myself

you are trying to get tsumugi executed, because you are both mafia together and if you die then tsumugi gets a shit town of town cred because the mafia and werewolves were fighting against him. While if he dies and flips mafia then you basically become “lock town” while the werewolves never attack you because you’ve pocketed Osie

ez gaeem solf

give me town mvp

this all relies on the fact that WWs exist

which they dont

oh wait gamer time

gimme the god tier recap pls

basically osie was fighting with town

ami was like “im on osie’s side now” and then it turned into a 200 page slapfight between me and them (not one of my proudest moments)

Tsu and TL got WW peeks on Osie
I pointed out that with our current knowledge, a WW team existing is nigh impossible, therefore asserting the checks as false
Ghana fails to recongize this math and goes into conf!Bias against me and Osie

what about my math, we did the math theres a 6.6% chance of ami being town

also you never disproved it, with a doctor claim/the possibility of there being cross-kills its impossible to prove how many scum teams there are

ami b like

we know light attacked Surge n1
we know you were healed last night or the mafia factional was blocked

basically your saying a WW team has to pick one of surge/amelia n1 (because Soul was an Eevee shot) And basically just you on N2
when (assuming they even fucking exist) A. they are different people from the mafia team and therefore have different motives and outlooks and B. might not even fucking exist