[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Eevee isn’t claiming to be a vigilante anymore (unless he’s just trolling us, wouldn’t be surprised)

Still doesn’t explain Soul’s death.

Makes me think maybe it was an Alien kill and Soul killed himself and your an Alien with him.

Makes sense why the next day you jump on Min.

… uhm?

Soul could have been the Mafia kill, right?

I’m not even sure how to respond to Surge’s theory rn, lmao.

im not even gonna dignify that with a response

INB4 Ami claims they are unlimited shots

Then explain Amelia.

Like unless Mafia has Doubke KPN or both WW and Mafia do indeed exist. I’m not sure.

Also possible there’s another SK

also I do think there’s more coordination than you’re implying because I think at this point wolves game plan seems to be “distance and bus each other as hard as we possibly can, and then whoever survives becomes a deep wolf”

Lol what if Tro is SK Converter and converted Apprentice

Aliens get one kill though, right? Maybe they got Amelia?

Using it night 1 is a bit eh

So they would waste their only kill on Amelia?

Although if Soul was the sole alien member that might actually explain why he did it

Makes more sense to use it on themselves for that sweet sweet town Cred but eh.

So you think he just wasted his kill?

Is it possibly soul was the only alien and that’s why he acted in such a trolly way? Would also explain why he would use his night Kill (since he assumed Eevee would shoot him and he’d lose anyways)