[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Because I think theyre townie, and I’m pretty sure most other people here think they are.

Yeah, I have Eevee as a town lean

I think the opposite.
Why do you believe Eevee is Townie?


Maybe Whysper’s been pocketing me and is scum with Eevee.

Because all their post’s dont feel forced (they give off a dont give a shit vibe that feels townie). Their claim and suddenly ditching it don’t make sense coming from scum.

ok look

we have a poe

can we save the tunneling/deep wolf paranoia for later

You don’t need to have forced posts to be scum.

Well, first I don’t think they’d choose scum for this game. I don’t think they want to be stuck with even more suspicion long-term. Second, I just felt that their discussions earlier seemed like they were trying to solve things. I’ll admit that that’s dropped recently and hasn’t felt as good. Also, I’m not sure what to make of the whole vig claim. But I still mainly town lean Eevee.

I think you dont understand what forced means

Basically every post from scum is forced.

No we don’t use your PoE.
We use mine

exhibit Ami

Is it?

I think youre wrong, look at her trying to pocket Ami. Her day 2 was not at all natural

So as scum you force all your posts?

Yes. Because they’re burdened with TMI

All their posts are pushing an agenda

How long have you been playing FM?

i mean her posts can only be forced to a certain degree when she hardly sends any

most of them just seem like 5 word meaningless responds

Couple months at this point

also did you mean tsu