[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins


Survivor Roleblocker says hi

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Saulus if you don’t get yeeted.

Would of been funny Tbh

because i have no idea what im doing and im trying to be productive

are you deadass

So causing productive content?

Ding dong you lose

Look dude, if you just continue fighting with him its not gonna be productive. Trust me, move on and deal with this later.

Ur over reacting :slight_smile:

Lets turn jokee into solid evidence

I think there’s no point in convincing Eevee unless it’s something important from looking at past games with Eevee.

I get your pov but I wouldn’t really think amelia fluffposting is AI

most of thread is fluff, if Amelia kept fluffing like tomorrow that’s where worries set in

Not to forget socially scum wanna discard one wolf if they can

Man that reminds me my first roll was vanilla Judas alpha wolf and pgo wolf

I had a happy scumteam with eli and I even made a meme but I came back to merc saying it was gonna be a reroll:(

Also eevee don’t ignore me or we can’t genuinely have a conversation

Sorry if you felt like me joking about last game was attacking you

Yeah I think I’ve figured that out, how do we get the thread back on track

Thats why I’m trying to get the thread back on track, first we’re in a better position if we share ideas, and so the thread isnt flooded with garbage and is actually readable, and so we can actually analyse any fluff

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Can we give insensitive to improve town play

Don’t know