[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

@ChopChop I need you to explain your reads/opinions on the possibility of cult being in play. I think you are town, but you need to improve damnit. If you have a read/opinion you need to explain it better so we can understand why you think it’s a thing.

We have ignored the existence of a cult for this whole game

For all it’s wortg Ghana’s been this way the whole game

i mean we are lovers so thats not really a surprise

I would’ve had to have been converted tonight, since my other two tracks confirm my claims. And that wouldve meant I wouldve had to say I tracked ami and just said she didnt visit anyone and hope she doesnt counter my claims.

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if you are saying that gghana visited black goo then that’s not possible because n1 they visited me and so did osie/crich who was still town cupid

and n2 they had a result on ami who isn’t black goo because she killed light

not sure about their n3 result though

but he couldn’t have been ‘like this the entire game’

Well basically I want to go with them, since I dont think we have many scum left (i dont think Merc would run a setup with a 5 man scum team and no extra town killpower) so we should probably start by going with the people I think are most likely scum which would be Tsumugi and Arctic.

And since yknow lovers, that leaves Tsumugi

I know, Seth is claiming that Eevee is cult and that Ghana was converted, so I listed the only ways for Ghana to be converted

Ghana has been acting like they were on d1, so in Seth’s world if eevee is cult Ghana is also d1 starting cult (Ghana could only have been a convert in a few worlds).

and what if your lover is last scum?

Possible I guess, but I’d rather wait a bit before I burn that bridge yknow.

No, I am talking from your PoV. Are you going to save your lover even if they are the last wolf?

we know there is a second psychotrooper and it can’t be me because i’ve given 2 people fruit
so no

No? Why would I? That’s a stupid question, how would I know theyre the last scum.

and if you don’t think there’s a second psychtrooper then that means tsumugi and TL are scum

so either way you look at it, there is no world in which i am last scum

I am just trying to figure out if you will stay loyal to the town. Do lovers win if they are on the other side and the other wins?

They do not.

You are misunderstanding my question. It’s not about you being the last wolf it’s will Ghana townside if you were the last wolf

Then that answers my question

that’s only a special variant of lover which i don’t think is in this setup


Incorrect I Claimed COAT D1 and resended to Seer D2. Also that Joke that you keep saying is scummy was for 2 minutes before I said my real check.

You are mixing up the facts completely.

(Also as I side note saying all I have ever done was call you names is wrong I got upset once for no case and calling me evil with no backing and the fact that seems to be all you care about and trying to use that as an excuse to scum read me should be highly noted.)