[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

i’m gonna have to deny this sorry eevee

wdym that’s the best time

let’s have a repeat of day 1 gogogogogogogogogo

Actually there is possibility that Surge is scum.

Rather huge.

But that’s not topic for today.
And this argument would make gorta look worse than Surge as well tbh.

if anyone tries this i’m voting them sorry not sorry

on that note

it was a joke lmao

but you just said you thought surge was town i-

Vote ami honestly

It depends on PoV.

goddamnit eevee

I’m worried I’ll die tonight and people will just like

forget Tsumugi exists

You won’t die tonight lol

We should probably try gorta tbh.

He might be just fakeclaiming prince.

a n y w a y s

shit is moving fast, will reiso ami
if anyone strongly objects to their yeet say so again please with a case

it sounds dumb but like

t😹wn pl😹y on this site

i’m not opposed to this either

I’m not opposed, it’s just you mothertruckers better not let Tsumugi live another day


Let’s get things working.


You are officially forbiden form healing Surge.
If he dies, you can blame me all you want, but there are way more important and actively confirmed people, like Trochi, GGhana, Apprentice etc.

Okay then

Sorry surge lmao

you fail to consider trochi wants to die
you can’t ah
forbid min from healing someone obvtown tho

I mean like

You bitched about us wanting you to shoot certain people

I guess you have an out in that you weren’t actually a vigilante so :upside_down_face: