[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

What even is this how is this solid enough for you to say its not a TvT

Alright, psychiatrist‘s you know who to target tonight!

It could be equally likely either way for both of them.

I just know they aren’t both the same groupscum. I also in general don’t feel like it’s fair to read soul right now because it seems like them being upset is really taking a toll on how they’re playing rn

I’m not ignoring, I’m calculating rands, since you are scared of math.

19,4% chance of 3 town rolecards
42,8% chance of 2 town rolecards
30,6% chance of 1 town rolecard
7,2% chance of 0 town rolecards


If person discarded town:
43.9% chance person is town
56.1% chance person is scum

If person discarded scum:
72% chance person is town
28% person is scum

30% difference is… a lot.
Like 56% scum is really a lot.

I saw your theory, that scum would want to discard other scum card to not seem suspicious, but in most cases they wouldn’t even have 2nd scum rolecards to begin with.

So your theory works AT MOST (and pretty much confirmed to be significantly less, cause it depends on roles) in like… 37% of time?
Yeah, your theory is bad.

That’s math for you.

I don’t understand the logic behind anyone arguing that this is any sort of interaction other then eevee saying I’m throwing and toxic for joking about last game.

IDK about Min but I’d say there is over a 50% chance for that to not be T/T.

Yikes ill try to be more sensitive to you elite types next tome

I dropped it, and it’s still overreaction from your side.

And I still want to know why.

Bad mayath

I mean idk if it was randed that way.

But emotionally I feel like u wanna bring this argument up to scum read innocent players by using mech

Yes but if we read people based on their pick, your letting scum get free town Cred from a “37%” Luck.

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It’s not now stop

And as I proven, that read works in BELOW 37% of cases.

Not going to just solo talk about random mech chance

@Soulshade55r @eevee

Ok but who cares?

Can you play the game.

Answer me why you faked quotes, brought previous game and appealed to emotions to begin with.


Stop using math as a argument why you can’t be scum

I didn’t fake quotes?

You did fake quote of me.

Post it then