[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Have you been pocketing me this entire time and one of the seer claims are actual Town?

Surge, can you stop flagging my posts to moderation just becouse they don’t suit you?


I haven’t been

Wasn’t even online when the first one was flagged

You love blaming, shading and emotionally assaulting me Eevee, but you have yet to prove yourself.
If your Town you should be trying to prove yourself to me but your not, so your scum.

Yeah. I mean I suppose we could take a chance for one night and see if he kills the target we specify. So like vote for Ami today and then have Gorta kill off another suspect, like Tsu maybe? Though for town to win, we do eventually need to remove Gorta as well.

You are yet to provide ANY argument against me.

How am I supposed to defend myself it you fail to acusse me to begin with?

You instead resort to “treat surge like garbage”.
Instead of actually giving me a solid case on yourself being Town.

I haven’t been.
You just don’t like my answers, that’s your own fault.

I am supposed to build case on myself?

You literally ask me to self meta becouse you are too lazy to read me?

Instead of complaining about cases on me, explain why your town.
Saying my case on you is shit won’t make me see you as Town like ever.

I want eevee dead because he claims town bulletproof, but I think he is scum and am not willing to let him slip by this game.

I probably can’t kill a town bulletproof, but I can kill someone who claimed vig

Cases on you from me*

Surge, QUTOES.



You said my posts are not exciting enough and that’s why you tunnel me.
Like wth are you even refering to.

When you claimed BP you didn’t even say that you were baiting.
That’s what a Town BP would have done.

You have no Town motivation at all.
Fake claiming Vigi as BP is fine.
But it’s how you react about it that matters.

… Did you even read my claim?

Then claiming I attacked you which makes like zero sense as I’m not even scum and by night deaths, even as scum that ain’t even accurate.

I GTg to work


Surge, do you actually play this game or provide random stuff?

That’s 7th time your argument is taken out of context without reading.