[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

No, that explains nothing.

There has to be mafia alive aliens COULD be alive but not gurentied

Neither theory of Ami actually really being 1-shot vig, regardless of theirs faction.

we’ve had, like, 4.5 flipped wolves (the .5 being app and not flipped but weh)

All of them on different factions, funnily enough

Theres nothing we can really do thinking about how many max wolves, because max nontown is 9 and we have 5

We knoe one alive role is Trooper 100% of the time
Doctor is confirmed alive

alien trooper is technically possible is it not

or do like we have too many kills for it to add up?

To many kills needs to be atleast 1 more mafia no?

Who actually died all of the nights

I cant specifically recall

I will say i have not done any math yet for any of this

Trooper could be WW too, right?

trooper could be any nontown

or town, technically, but lol

Night 1
2 Deaths Amelia and Soul

Night 2
2 Deaths Light and Wiisp

Night 3
1 Death Cloned

Night 4
3 Deaths GGhana, Artic and Tro

And tonight none sorry forgot to add that

Is there anything to indicate that we have Mafia for sure? Like could we just have another WW (especially based on Gorta’s log) and maybe not another Mafia?

GG + arctic were lovers

Tro was killed by… someone

I know that evils targetted Arctic or had some way of bypassing my heal

Was also Lights will

This specfically means 3 attacks N1

Night 1 attacks
SK (Clocked)

Night 2

Night 3
??? (Redirected off someone)

Night 4
Pair was ???
Tro WW

Can Doctor self-heal?