[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Well, yeah, lights logs vaguely confirm me

I dont believe so

We have two different missing kills which means a mafia has to be alive no?

Amelia - xxx (mafia kill?)
Soul - Werewolf kill
Surge - SK kill (healed)

==== Alien died ====

==== D2 - Mafia lynched ====

Light - Ami kill (Factional?)
Wisp - SK kill
GGhana - Werewolf kill (healed)

=== SK died ===

Notes - lack of mafia kill if Ami is not mafia.

Cheese - Redirected kill (?)
(werewolfs claimed to attack min)

Notes - not able to tell amount of missing kills due to bodydouble

Trochi - Werewolf kill
Arctic & GGhana - xxx (Mafia/Alien kill?)

=== WW eliminated on D5 ===

No kills?

If only mafia was eliminated day 2, we lack explanation for N4 kill, and that would mean that Ami is town.
And we could have aliens apparently in this case.

If Ami is mafia, we lack explanation for lack of N5 kill.

Either way it doesn’t add up.


Confirms you as Doctor not alignment

Okay. Yeah, I was suspecting that they couldn’t but wasn’t sure.

Wait WTF its is possible

N1 Amelia: Was killed by mafia

N4 Alien 1-shot

Missing mafia kills cause ATN was dead starting N2

If I was alien I would never kill tracker with my only kill, considering it’s… only kill.

Unless your Ami right?
Since they were sus and being tracked multiple times being caught kills you and its 2 for 1

I mean

I dont know if everyone thinks like eevee

I would have as alien no reason to kill Min/Marshal since i would have no future kills.

So tracker makes sense with out role claims.

But it’s 1-shot. If Ami did it the one time, she wouldn’t do it again. So need to worry about tracking.

But if Ami used Alien 1-shot kill, they wouldn’t be able to kill tracker.

Unless she is 1- Shot vig Alien

There is a world they have both the role and the factional

Psychotrooper exists.

But she would have killed tracker for first kill, not second.

this is ATNN’s last post and final vote

over apprentice, who was a larger wagon

He hadn’t even mentioned ami before.

GGhana hadn’t claimed at the time of Kill 1 i thought