[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Surge, Soul deflected my question 7 times by now.

Go reread.
He is unable to explain own actions.

It isn’t fake?
It’s how you presented yourself and made them feel.

I’m immeasurably disappointed I didn’t roll Survivor Black Goo


I won’t stop till I get answer.
It’s not hard to answer what motivated you when you posted something.

And yet he still avoids to provide it.

I was thinking that Soul currently feels way too threatened to answer, but what do I know.

If you did I’ll see you In post game.
Bring your boxing gloves.

Like soul’s point is discards don’t mean shit.
And he’s correct.
You can get anything.

Everyone visit app we can’t lose if we all turn into cult

Yeah @ChopChop

Those two are definitely equal.

I thought they did too until I found out this game does it differently and with the way they do it, Confirmability goes out the window.

Yeah they are.

You mocked him

He mocked tou

End of story

Surge, point is my post is obvious joke, while they instantly jumped at it and modified it to theirs vision to defend self.

Like first and second post are not even close.

They are close, they are the response that would come after each other. And that post didn’t feel like a joke.

Maybe make yourself more clear next time

I can’t visit, so I’d be insta lynched the next day.



First post is obvious joke about them saying to discard mech when they discarded town.

They stretched it to other people, to three town options, to me, to me claiming being confirmed.
There is not a single tihng like that in first post.

Sad sad life