[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Gamer move is to hardclaim Cult Black Goo and ask everyone to visit you

Well there’s the issue.
Your not understanding it properly.
Miss Understandment is how most ML’s happen.

In their first post they said they hate Mech because people were talking about it and Soul doesn’t think it matters which he’s kinda correct on.

In the second he’s basically exaggerating that Mech is BS.
By mocking you saying that your shading him for the sole fact of his discards and saying your discard is perfectly fine.

Do you comprehend now?

Is that your claim?

You are wrong.

At which point bringing up previous game which he lost is meant to mock me?

That doesn’t add up for theirs motviation.

Eh I guess.
If they continue arguing D2, would that affect your read on either/both of them?

Richard, I can see you.

Yo CRich, I think stopping this argument from carrying to Day 2 is more important than talking about whos the wolf in the argument.

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Most likely

Especially if it becomes a 2 day version of minfia argument that lasts like 1000 posts

I said that I will drop it when and only when I get answer.

And so far my question was deflected 6 times.

anyway I’d be more worried compared to scumreading like I’m worried rn

I’m super worried for soul right now, I hope they’re okay.

I hope you’re alright too eevee

If the thread does threaten become a black hole just like D1 SFoL 64 with He Who Must Not Be Named, then yes I agree.

It probably will knowing Eevee’s stance.

Anon sfol right?

Yes that game.

The difference is eevee and soul neither are trolls.

they aren’t going to make pepega wallposts.

Other than the ones they already made?

Thomas basically spammed the same thing over and over and made massive wallposts that said shit like pepega and the same sentence over and over.

I doubt either of soul or eevee is that immature.

alright can we make a policy,

new policy

stop talking about Eevee/Soul drama, talk about literally anything else


Yeah tbh

Good idea