[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Also explains why Light was SRing me

We didn’t think Light was SK. We thought he was the other group scum.

was he? he posted way too much to know.

Every other scum was an nk

He definitely was

More nks would be funny

meh its GGhana read, couldn’t care since it was not very accurate

im sorry that i literally did not solve the game on day 1 in my first town game,

truly i should retreat into the mountains and study your ISO in every town game you’re ever in because clearly you are such a better player than me



I didn’t say your SR on me was bad because it was wrong

I felt this just in general

no i was talking to AT

No no he’s clearly meant to solve the game D1

but clearly you are the town god here. you should’ve been solving the game D1 with an eevee read too :).

in all of seriousiness, I didn’t think you were much of a threat so I couldn’t care less.

If you don’t solve the game in your first post what are you even doing

i mean im not a complete git, I did figure out you were bussed


I mean

At least ghana doesn’t start the game with nonexistent wim

but you didn’t figure out for what intent.


like this “if you have bad reads and sheep people you are a bad town player” is the reason why town loses the majority of games on this site.

Btw I’m teasing don’t take me seriously, just a warning I’m just meming