[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins


soul and Eevee are getting on my nerves. If you can get past the fluff posts I’d like to get your reads on everything


What do you think about Amelia and Gorta? If the previous 500 posts didn’t kill all the energy I had for this game today I’d try to look over them because I’m not sure how to read them. Gorta is impossible to read and Amelia is just a fluffposter.

No is no, Soul is dying tonight then.

then go yell at a mirror
keep oog, oog or in this case, something that happened in another game
a mafia game is also no place to have someone blocked

same goes for you

Yknow I actually think this might be Wolf theatre. I pulled this exact bullshit my first scum game. I think we should kill both of them tbh

I’m not being forced into unblocking eevee I’m sorry and if this is how he wants to play so be it

feeling better about you
uhhm is the thoughts on soul and eevee a read, or just irritation?
unlikely to be w/w based on their back and forth currently

I’m perfectly fine listening to eevee day 2 if he decides he wants to talk about something else but I’m not doing that

I dig it

I actually am considering the world where it’s w/w. I don’t want to go into death tunnel mode just yet. But considering how they’re clogging up the thread. And their only reads are just them yelling at each other. I remember doing plays like this my first scum game so I don’t want to get rid of the possibility

That’s a pretty epic play lets see if I get vig shot first

i cranked out reads purely for the purpose of making a tf2 related comment
also they are off the top of my head, so do not expect any thought
back to tf2

Don’t worry, I’m calm.

I was pushing them for illogical reasoning and tbh… I still dislike it.

Oh yes all you can post is about the situation that happened

Gorta I’m kind of scum leaning at this point because of the discarded Town Tracker. I find the chances low for him getting a better role that’s helpful to town. And he’s the type of person I could see trying to pick some cool scum combination.

Not sure yet on Amelia. So far she’s felt okay to me I guess, especially for D1. The fluff posting and getting high in the post count is definitely worth noting. I’m waiting to see if she drops a lot in activity next day and attempts to slide by with the early high post count.

I’m currently questioning whether it is this

or this

As for the whole if its w/w, I don’t think that’s a possibility. Eevee’s anger was unfakeable and the last time this happened, one flipped wolf and the other flipped town.

Sounds good to me. I also think it’s very easy to go under the radar with the clownshow this thread has become.

I’ll make a compromise I’ll unblock eevee in 12 hours but I want to hear them actually solve instead of accusing me of throwing or being wolf.

I’m not going to bend over backwards though if I hear any stupid drama posts that derail the thread I’ll happily block them again

I’m not willing to say that Gorta is :joy_cat: B O X E D I N :joy_cat: get. Especially since Gorta seems like the designated misyeet (no offence Gorta)

Yeah, I was considering the tinfoil of it being wolf theater, but I also concluded that I don’t think it’s likely.

I mean, I pushed Soul becouse I thought they were scummy, I can’t promise to not push someone scummy.