[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

No I mean executioner tos style it’s called condemner u have to hang town or something yeah

While I think Eevee could be scum, they are most likely the other scum team but I suppose could still be scum with CRich, IDK.

Why are you pushing against me then? If talking does nothing then what’s the harm in people talking. Also why did you change the subject from why your push was garbage?

Also you can’t kill me tonight CRich, it’ll confirm both the Doctor and Myself.
(Well mainly the Doctor but it’ll confirm that Your the wolfy)

Yknow what. I can clearly tell this isn’t gonna be productive . You clearly want me to argue so I’ll derail the theead

So I won’t, get bent.

I pushing you specifically because of that because you apparently don’t seem to understand the reason.

Your still like Lock Scum to me RN.
I hope you realize that.

see above post

Well I’d like to see the look on your face for realising you’re pushing on a town member.

Eevee came on?
We are just missing that lucky number 4.
Do I dare say the name now?

@Arctic Other than your reads on surge and crichard do you have any other reads

I mean I feel pretty protected so I think I will.

Surge, do I really need to do quotes so you stop changing history?

@eevee I’ve asked this 20000 times. What is your other role card?

You can’t change History, as History as already been decided.


That’s CRich’s secret Number #1 Best Bud.

No reason to hold the thought for tomorrow

I can lynch tomorrow and still share the thought today.