[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Discards don’t lie.
There is no host lies.


He said previous rand

Eevee and ATNoName prob Scum

Oh wait I’m dumb.

Hello soldier.

So that’s the bar you are working at?



Yeah cause you would just us it as your alignment slot instead of class.

Hello my name is trusty and am here but also not.

Also some one did discard a survivor it was me.
My discard was the One-Shot Townie the one that becomes survivor start of D2


That above was suppose to quote and broke for some reason

My discard was mafia goon for ob reasons

Also glad to see rich here I was just abt to talk more about his interesting discard choice

Hello everyone.

Here are my initial impressions on everyone who has posted so far.
GGhana: Can’t meta read this slot, because their only recorded game is a scum game on this website.
This slot weirds me out trying to use previous discarded cards to try to read into people’s alignments this rand.
Surge: Probably town as they are the most obvious town/wolf I’ve ever seen. Cough Deus Ex cough.
Wiisp: D1 Miller claim, probably town trying to avoid being mis executed.
Tsumugi_Shirogane. Starts right out of the gate stating their thoughts is a good look so far.
Ami: Only 3 posts and fluff so far. Null read for now.
Amelia: 2nd highest poster, yet only read is on TL and calls them lock town on their 1st post. :thinking:

You see, Red Shiiba is my best soldier in CIRA.

Nearlly noone is as devoted to the case as them.

Hah. Except me of course.
I created it.

Barkeeper, give us two something manly to drink!



You do realize the read was a joke

Also you expect me to formulate reads when there’s like

Not a lot of posts

True, though it wouldn’t hurt to try solving people’s slot and refining those reads as more information is available no?

Also people talking about wiisp being a Miller claim

They’re only a werewolf miller so I’m pretty sure if people are suspicious later in the game they can check them to see if they’re mafia/sk/cult or whatever

Unless that’s not how it works then idk tbh.

Also, liking this opening post from rich mostly just adding content and that’s really cool. I’m wondering rich why discard town mason?

I mean

Exactly what do you want me to read

A ton of the early posts were also fluff