[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

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ah alright! also light that explanation was nice thank you

Already given reads idc about you saying the same old thing to appear townie

I am indeed very pogchamp :sunglasses:

You’re saying I’m trying to force the thread to be active, but that requires that being an active player mean a townie player (which it doesnt) so unless I’m misunderstanding your argument (please tell me if I am) I don’t think your argument makes sense

Literally all you do is ask people who’s their scum reads.
Very townie indeed zzz

Well answer my question then, what harm comes to town if you post your reads again?

No you’re trying to force scum to appease you instead of letting day 1 develop naturally

I am the damn town one shot prince. This role is more powerful for me because my reads are pretty damn powerful and I get voted out very early as of late, so anything that extends my life is powerful for me.

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And look how it’s working out, you’re flailing :slight_smile:

Lmao ok

Well when I’m yeeted d2 just a reminder to vig you then

I have been softing this all day

First of all, what does this actually mean. Second of all Day 1 was developing in a way that basically brought no focus onto you, so I wanted to change that. Does that logic not make sense?

this is cringe

I pulled this shit in my first scum game, I’m not letting this slide

Ok so you know how you can just let scum do you know scummy shit and stuff and not make reads and contribute yes?

How about instead of asking them day 1 to make reads and contribute so they can easily appease your demands

You let them sit there do nothing and push them when we can actually vote.

Just a thought maybe I’m crazy

Is it a one shot can’t be lynched or a one-shot jailkeep or jailkeep/execute or what?

That doesn’t make any sense, wouldn’t they just be in the same group as all the town that are lurking? Plus how do we form connective tells?