[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

there is a reason for you to claim actually

And I won’t reveal any possible green checks till you claim

really what’s that

I’ll explain it if you claim. But there is a pretty major reason for you to claim

Well a better question is

Are you vanilla or not? I count stuff like millers as vanilla btw

What’s your read on them?

They aren’t gonna give you an answer because they are scum.

Who says someone can’t draw into 2 Aliens?

You should answer this.
It’s simple.


No you’re not vanilla? Or no you won’t answer the question?

If you do it might help, especially if Eevee is Psycho themselves.

the fact you’re asking this plus you aren’t outting whether or not there’s a psychotrooper makes me think you aren’t an alignment investigative

either role cop or motion tracker or something similar

so you asking me this question is most likely an attempt to catch me out, which isn’t really going to work lol

I mean considering you just blurted that out, I’m probably gonna die at night at some point which includes you. So what’s the harm in claiming?

I guess I wasn’t being all that subtle anyways lol

This is going nowhere

/unvote I’m probably buying too much into App’s story.

Anyways @Arctic are you here?

Here I’m gonna do. I’m gonna ask Arctic and GGhana to claim their role/result respectively on my count.

all at the same time

I’m fine with that, tell me when

I need Arctic to tell when hes here.

I’m guessing Arctic is feeling kinda :joy_cat: :joy_cat: B O X E D I N :joy_cat: :joy_cat: so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s taking a break