[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Btw @ChopChop I have a feeling Eevee is not even gonna pretend to try to do our plan, if that’s the case I’m not willing to risk a possible Wolf vig alive so I propose we kill Eevee tomorrow if he isn’t willing to go with the plan

hm alright thanks

are we sure the Cupid isn’t town tho? forget it not making sense for a town role
mine makes absolutely no damn sense to be town it’s fuckign blasted but i still am

idk i just feel like a possibility we’re all ignoring is town Cupid who targeted Arctic that they scumread in hopes of getting villa to target them so that if said villa is NK’d a scum goes down with em?

or should i just be committed again

Cupid is a very very very anti-town role
cause its very doubtful wolves ever target each other

that would be such a minus -90 iq play that considering townplay on this site you’re probably right

i’m a very not town but still town role because eli thinks he’s soooo funny

i’m just saying we shouldn’t discount things cause this is Grand Idea after all

I mean I am also reading how he is reacting, and its pretty poor
like he gave up at this point, so there is not much else we can do, based on his content, when he has a red check on him

I’m not discounting the fact that his reaction is poor though, even in worlds where the check was fake, or manipulated

trochi lock town she sounds like she wants to die

this is actually a semi serious read

man I kinda hope u die so I don’t have to worry about ur slot anymore
still think you are an Alien because of Soul, which is kinda garbage, but w/e

Why would I pretend to go with plan which benefits wolfs to begin with?

Why does it benefit wolves? Also you keep dodging my other questions which is curious but whatevs

No, I’m not giving you a read on Tsumugi.

First of all, why not. Second still doesn’t answer my question. Thirdly what about your other reads?

damn it, and I would’ve gotten away with faking lovers with my other scum buddy if it weren’t for you meddling kids why alien specifically? I remember asking this question before and I don’t remember an answer

Sigh. Okay, let me explain.

First of all, you messed up own priorities and rights.

Role is mine, hence I’m deciding, not you all.
And especially not public group of people, which consist scum among them, telling me to shoot some LHF with 20 posts.
After all, who am I supposed to trust, my own reads, or someone’s whose alignment I don’t know.

And especially not people who were telling me to stop pushing Soul, despite theirs scummy behavior, going around telling people to ignore my push.

Sorry, but no.
If you ignored me d1, I don’t feel compelled to follow you at all.

You can ask me who to shoot.
Provide case against people.

If you want, to cooperate, sure.
FORCE to shoot 20 poster? - Hell no.

If you want me to respect your opinion, then stop trying to force me to it.
Cause if you don’t respect me, I’m not gonna follow you. Easy as that.

And why it benefits wolfs?
Becouse if you give me risk of scummy people to kill, this means wolfs won’t kill in this bunch and lower the risk of wasting kill on killing same person as me (regardless of alignment of that person).

If you think you have upper hand in FORCING who to shoot, then you are wrong.

Not your choice.
Not your action.

You can convince me. But that’s as far as it goes.

@osieorb18 has replaced in for CRichard.

Maybe one day you will understand that insulting person with gun and then trying to force them to do stuff is not gonna work.

It seems not today.

@osieorb18 are you from MC?

ok boomer