[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

The probably are though Tbh.

I swear if this push comes from a town, considering the “town Cupid” bullshit. I wish marshal still had the townplay thread up my god


Voted Count Accusers
Apprentice 3/9 TrustworthyLiberal, Apprentice, Surge
arcticXI 1/9 GGhana
Gorta 1/9 Wiisp

App self voted? Lol

He took it down because he realizes there is no hope.

Logically speaking it doesn’t matter what his alignment is right now, its illogical to push for a lynch on him after he claimed shooting a dead person

if he was an evil vigilante, he would just never claim this
and we have two confirmed deaths, so like ya

we can yknow
do math
WWs might not fucking exist

Highly doubt that.

Well as evil, claiming Vigilante is something Eevee would do.
But sure, just let the scum walk free and lay down on the yard.

honestly though Eevee feels scummy, he feels really evasive keeps trying to dodge my questions and a lot of his posts feel forced. Do you not agree?

Like this has nothing to do with surge’s arguments because (love you surge) but lolwillager. But do you think Eevee is townie?

this is like
standard eevee to me

if eevee isnt town ill eat my hat

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He was certainly rather critical of you in the PM to the point of being nasty.

Could you post a town game of Eevee’s so I can read over it?

dude its day 2, I dont fucking care right now
I am not going down this road right now, when I have liked Eevee’s playstyle throughout the game, even if he being somewhat stiff with his interactions and question answering

like jesus man

Then prepare to start munching.

Do what you want. I’ll always vote for Eevee when I need to.

I’m around. I was asking about my role PM.

After talking with the host, we’re treating “Mafia Cupid, Town Mason, Town 1-shot Prince” as the second roll, and Rich got Town 1-shot Cupid out of that despite any attempts to choose Mafia or Werewolf roles. There was some moderror involved, which of course I can mention but the host won’t confirm for obvious reasons.

Have you liked his playstyle, have you liked his play, or both?

Also btw, how did he accidentally pick town Cupid? That makes no sense

Also I’m not sure if he missed it, but why did he pick Arctic if he town read him? CRich was mouthing off in thread about how scummy he was.