[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

hi surge what’s up
i saw you really dislike CRosie

got anything else for me?

Are there minimum faction sizes? I.e. Do we know that a second Alien exists?

you know nothing jon snow

translation: We have no fucking clue

Alright so it turns out you were rig, you did start off posting not much during your first day. I’ll check second day as well

Wild West: around 25
Deus Ex: around 15


Oh well.

Let me check day 2 for posterity

Yeah, I might assume that about other people. But CRich was openly complaining about town play a lot even though he also believes nothing can be done about that. That’s the only reason it kind of pings me. Because otherwise, yeah, it’s nice that he tried to make the best of it.

Well, thanks for taking the time to check on that, GGhana :slight_smile:

Townlord Ghana


i can assume we don’t know shit

a question along these lines
do we know the different scum factions’ niches? like what differentiates them n stuff

Yes CRosie I disliked.

:scream: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :+1:

So your saying in the off chance somone had both that and an evil role and took it we shouldn’t get a red check???

Also only way to gurentiee the check is to while vote them and see.

Yeah, actually the fact that he took the time to check does confirm my town read on him.

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is this
is this all the reads you have sir

Can someone quote/link me the post in which TL claimed the red on Apprentice?

And it’s CRichard Btw.


Yeah ghana mega town here

i dont want to take the risk

if someone pulled psycho and knew what it was they take that sight on scene, shits insanely powerful