[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

tro is serial killer doctor

I mean I can pick up on context
do you think I should take his self-vote as a joke?

i thought i was doctor serial killer

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also because you are a beautiful person

🙍 AW SHIT IVE BEEN FOUND. abort abort abort

Oh, I had been wondering on this. Are there actually any killer roles available with more than 1-shot? I didn’t notice any. It looked like all 1-shots.

god don’t do this to me i’ll unironically end up townreading you

the reason why i’m so hesitant on app is because this is precisely what happened in Wild West

There’s a one shot and a not one shot vig

Oh hmmm, I must have missed the regular vig role in the list.

if he is a serial killer, but he is also claiming more shots I think so I assume if he is a vig they have more than 1?
unless I misread somewhere



cool thanks

Lol is that even a thing?

Amelia is here

Ahhh okay, I see it. Wow, and no guilt.

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Yeah that’s p busted

That would be fuckin hilarious

of course it exists
its me

Wait why is my thing so messed up

Btw did I ever get an answer? Can multiple players draw the same role if there’s only one in the listing?