[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

The choice between good and evil

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No it was you could be two mafia masons
but not a town and a mafia in a pair.

So your pair was always your alignment

i kinda wanted to do TOWN GOON
i will now stop speaking about the matter

I would pick goon town from those tbh.

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Thought it was absolutely not mafia but anything else was fine


I feel like most of you know how I feel about randing scum by now
So, when I have a choice…

You have successfully chosen “Good”.

by the way
does anybody hardclaim neutral

I am not specifing at this time but do know i discarded A survivor role

Do you?



i am not going to hardclaim

Okay but who aside from surge would willingly pick survivor


This is a thing ^^^^

My imaginary Girlfriend

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man I would pick survivor, I can do literally nothing and win with any faction, that shit is fire

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you should have picked lover smh my head