[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

I was told Mason is locked to town roles

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I dont think so, considering theres werewolf/survivor masons

it isnt

You’re in a werewolf/survivor mason ghana? Xx

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ask Merc that’s what I was told

Early Posts

lots of third partying, fluffy posts, mech talk
none of which look really good

he asks questions every once in a while

talk to me about 2

this was a good place to vote

he also thinks I’m fake? he could’ve voted me

the way he handles the red check feels somewhat like he knows its not really?

I find it interesting his response to this, previously he never mentioned TL, so doubt is kinda weird

still playing third party

like what is this post? how do you conclude genuine but still question which alignment

lmao? well this vote is bad

There are definitely questions, and responses, but they never give me the vibe that he actually cares, that is my take on this iso, like even his push on me is lacking, and he didn’t even end with a vote

I’m confused
Wouldn’t… that make you Werewolf Vanilla?
If Condemner Mason isn’t allowed, and you discarded Town Vanilla?

I discarded Werewolf Mason though

So I’m Condemner Vanilla

I should probably have checked that, huh?

I basically agree with this post, I think we should strongly consider killing AT tomorrow

TBF i would have loved to me mason xD.
Am sorry you seem to have gotten super unlucky here App. :hugs:

I mean I am ready to pressure that slot now after that iso, it definitely doesn’t hurt

/vote @ATNoName


fuckit gamer time

/vote @ATNoName


Still wanna vote gorta
if he’s actually prince, no harm done, right?

Except we lost town kp

Prince isn’t kp?

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The wasted voteing day (Each vote is a town KP)

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It is a waste of a yeet

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Prince in this mode is anti-execute

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