[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Its possible as we said above.
Also no 100% there is a doctor

So why did you guys claim?


Seth because Seth

Light because he didn’t realize deck style wasn’t a thing

IDK why he did but I claimed because I thought there was more backup rolesz

So from me claiming Backup Utility it kinda outed my role.

I don’t see that.
Show me.

Huh? Having 2 backup doctors without a doctor doesn’t make sense.

I mean

I can make an educated guess by him asking about it

ITs RNG remember someone had to PICK doctor

He pointed out how it works. He said he knew multiple can get it.

Also I think it has to be doctor of your same alignment

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No he had to ask first

Am I the only person who thinks Wiisp is scummy? They picked hirsute townie over (an admittedly probably not great power role) and I feel like their only read has been pushing on me/complaining about the game state.

You guys friends?

RNG yes buts its a love hate relation ship.

Dunno bout that

The way they went about claiming looked towny

The nice thing about having 2 billion powerroles is that one of them can deal with them in some sort of way without us having to kill her

Even so, I’m sure there has to be conditions that have to be met.
Such as if there is a backup for doctor for example, then there should be a doctor randed in game.

Greatest Idea ToL when