[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

In fact I actually think it makes you look even worse. Because instead of arguing that youre acting towny. Youre arguing that you arent acting from a self-construct of your scum games.

I said several times I’m not agreeing for any general consensus when it comes to any night actions.

what does this mean again … ?

no but this is an extra amount of trickery

you said you were shooting onie but you bamboozled us all

(jokes aside, who did you shoot tonight? Do you claim any of the kills?)

confirmation bias

you see

big word me no likey

confirmation bias, basically it means getting a feeling and not looking back or re-evaluating


that actually makes alot of sense alright thanks

I have confbias’d Arete scum a few games and almost lost a game because of it. I have once death tunneled Marshal only to realize that I was death tunneling at the end of the tunnel. I think that’s what you (Min) and Ghana are doing right now. The only thing is I find it weird how y’all both argue the same talking points.

@eevee Alright I really need to know the answer to this question, but did you shoot any of the people that died last night?

if u tell me i’ll call you town god

How about instead of arguing with me/min. Or arguing from self-meta you tell me literally anything else about the game-state.

i didnt get any point from ghana?

I know you tracked me if you make it this obvious.

And if you did, you know the answer.

why would I track the vig claim that’s stupid

No I did not track you.

I want to make sure we aren’t confbiasing each other and talking with each other helps me get reads and solving the game.

Then you don’t know the answer and you will not learn it rn.

i swear to god if this gets a town killed i will flame you tomorrow

post reads wench

How is that supposed to get townie killed?


here ill start