[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Here is the only time ATNoName thought about Tsumugi in the thread.

I’m caught up now.


brain broke


Tsu’s check is just
but the fact theres two is even more ???


ami.exe has stopped functioning

so why’d you shoot light anyways

gamer reads

honestly i just picked a wheel of scummy people and spun it, Light’s name popped up so here we are

Host forgot but Light had logs.

Will: Why can’t we have a game where you guys aren’t toxic af?
N1 - Attack Surge - Would help with my fakeclaim
N2 - Attack Wiisp - Active, hasn’t claimed, creating a toxic environment
I’m glad townplay is being better this game. Potentially five kills tonight is scary, though. Chances are, one of them hits me, which is highly unfortunate. We know we have mafia and alien factions, so it might be assumed that the N1 kills were mafia and Eevee, so tonight - mafia, Eevee, Tro, & me. There’s the potential of lovers being hit, so who knows? If I die, I hope it was from you, Tro.

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(That is, I’m caught up on D3. I’m mostly caught up on D2, and am not really caught up on D1, but I’m not too worried about that.)

min is lock town now


That’s kinda both wonderful and terrible at the same time.

How is Min locktown based on this?

did light miss day 1 and day 2 how did he miss wiisp’s claim

What does Min have to do with that announcement?

They healed surge



good to know, that actually changes things greatly in terms of reading Min.

Wait you two didnt notice that? Wow

anyways since we now have 3 basically confirmed townies I think this is it gentlemen

ah ok ur free to go maam

I didn’t notice the claim. Can you quote it? Are we able to confirm Min’s alignment?