[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

It doesnt support it but it doesnt disprove it

then why doesnt it disprove it?

So youve proven nothing then. Well done.

and dont say “muh role blocker”
I think they woulda claimed by now

It does not prove that it is impossible for there to be werewolves


So youre saying arctic is lying for shits and giggles?

then that leaves n1 as a hole

Just because there are 3 kills accounted for, does not prove there cant be more.

I think that only one scum team exists, and maybe a neutral or two.

My PoE for that team starts out with Tsumugi, Arctic, Gorta, in that order.

It then follows with you, TL, and Whysper, in a less firm order, and therefore it’s more likely that there’s a non-killing neutral among you or a fourth/fifth scumteam member with one of the first three being neutral.

We have 3 flipped non-town and the game started with 19 players. Even if we assume that town didn’t just barely started with a 10 player majority, which is not necessarily surprising given the possible number of neutrals and scum, expecting AT LEAST 3 more non-town is not untoward.

Youre acitng like its impossible for night kills to overlap


Another tinfoil that unfortunately actually could exist

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its an unlikely occurence in a 19p

Maybe there would be a new argument if you ever disproved the accurate current one.

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fixed this btw

then your implying im WW now?

so app is condemner vt

light was sk

I don’t think there’s any survivors or they would’ve claimed tbh

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like thats funny because i only rolled town town and mafia, and the mafia one i discarded

Did you miss the post earlier? Or were you too busy shading everyone to actually case arctic?

how is it shade if it’s actually based in shit?
how about you stop looking at your buzzword dictionary and prove my arguement wrong?