[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

how is basic NKA powerwolfing?

I’m gonna be a nerd and just say that basic “setup speculation” breaks every theory you have

now I have the last word so I can go now haha get gamered

i see you have a buzzword dictonary on standby

hi im writing cringe emo poetry to cope wassup

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if the hundreds of posts i missed are just shitty arguing tell me now so i don’t have to read that i’m already fragile enough to be e m o

if this is in fact mainly arguing y’all are cringe ass nerds

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A banana fell.
It suplexed an elephant.
Everyone must die.

good enough for me thanks

it’s mostly ghana failing to understand basic math

This is… questionable

Way less than what you try to show that as.

Psycho needs 2 scum roles.

And we don’t have 57 rolls anymore, since some people were removed or semi confirmed as other roles.

@osieorb18 don’t use math fuckups when I’m around.

Second psychotrooper chance is currently around 3%.

2 of same ANY role is bigger, yeah, but for 2 of exactly chosen role? Hell no.
Those are different formulas and you are using math as own advantage when it’s against you.

Also @ami, show me a single post from before today where you softed or thought as a vig.

Except it’s not the important part of the argument.

For me important part is that you are using it for own advantage, showing numbers which are invalid.

Eevee do you believe osie would lie about a moderror like that?

I don’t know them enough but that’s such a mean thing to do

Like “oh lol yeah I had error and now I’m town but have an anti town role” like eeeee


Except it’s not even something I’ve really been arguing as super significant. The important points are:

  1. The nightkill math is unlikely either way.
  2. Tsumugi is scummy AF.
  3. I’m not particularly scummy.