[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

@Mercenary My vote from earlier looks like it is missing from the latest vote count.

alright can we hammer Osie now

using my big brain if my math is correct there is approximately
3/10658 odds

that Osie is town

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Thank you, for not being a butt like hana and osie expected me to know all 150 roles tbat can exist, despite most of them being far from standard play.

Well, math beats everything, so this must be correct. :slight_smile:

bruh I literally just flirted with the idea of you being mafia. Your reaction to this is not helping.

Hi ghana

This isn’t fun anymore for me :smile_cat:

I agree this day has been trash. Can we just end this day already pls

Okay so ghana

We hammer osie

Osie flips wolf, yaaay

Osie flips town, what does that tell us?

Osie flips wolf but not werewolf, what will THAT tell us?

I see a concerning mix of all of those happening

we have a second psychotrooper in play

It’s unlikely but it’s possible

at least we have 2 extra names to go in the B O X

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so this day wasnt entirely a travesty

Idk it was pretty bad mane

nah it was pretty good, it gave me an excuse to post the burn box

ok so i was writing this after i got home but then the thread got locked as i was about to post

saying this indicates that you want me to be scum presumably just so you are correct, rather than because you still believe your read is genuine

therefore you aren’t looking at my slot objectively and demonstrate confirmation bias - so how are any of your reads reliable?

so i asked the host and they told me i didn’t actually submit any action, i just sent my logs (i’m really smart)

but even if i was rb’ed this is a stretch and you know it, you aren’t accounting for the possibility of a kill overlap or someone being healed (like you)

even though i do think tsumugi is probably scum, they have a point with this:

anyway, regarding other stuff

i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again - i highly doubt osie is scum- why would they come to this site and lie about a moderror in their first game to angleshoot? i really do think at this point there is a second psychotrooper due to the double redcheck and the fact it is in no way favourable for a scum to 1 for 1 right now especially with a dead psychotrooper already

i also don’t believe ami’s claim one bit - they never softed vig or posted anything about light, yet they claim they shot him only after being found by a tracker? the amount of people townreading ami right now is really concerning and i really do think they are scum

i mean

look at my math

Also since you clearly had time to read the entire thread and all you can say is whining about my tunnels? Seriously?

wow amazing, all the shade because of a joke post very classy

this is literally a lie and you know it

so sorry sweaty, that wallpost aint gonna get u out of the burn box smh my head