[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

did the vigis just not do anything

I’m not saying anything because reasons but I think I know why the vigilantes havent killed anyone.

He and its osie he does it every game why would I care.

I know @eevee can probably guess why I know

i don’t see how your results are possible to account for both of them

nice trying to bait why i think the vigilantes havent killed

Any game where I roll cop I will always check osie because hes damn good as either alignment and its hard enough getting him lynched when hes scum so checks help progress that.

Its just a shame the roll was town and the previous owner randomly decided to use it n1.

like i am going to do a lot with that information

I mean idk why your breadcrumb something you clearly wanna share with the other class.

your scum partner will :)))))))))

real tunnel hours

because i know why theyre doing it, and i know it will be pointless if anyone else knows so im not doing it

btw if this is just gonna be another day of you tunneling me or artic ill just choose to not deal with your slot.

so you’re implicating ami as scum

and you really think she is my partner? i have been saying to kill her moreso than anyone else since you outted your result

implying distancing isnt a thing

since scum teams are so big, I dont see why you wouldnt bus/distancing

So sorry, youre not getting towncred for attacking someone I think is scummy if you act scummy.

but randomly doing it is suicide, if your jsut gonna buss without a plan its just bad play.

i mean considering how you immediately went to the AtE when I even questioned if you were town, then I guess you can just block me now :upside_down_face:

but we’ve already established that there aren’t too many scum left
bussing at this point would not do anything useful for them

is this tmi How have we established this?

Because its mind blowing to think I am scum.

Also, I am actually quite sick of this inflated ego you keep bringing to the table.

Part of me wants to be lynched here just so i can see Hana face when i flip town.