[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

You again, btw

Based tbh

Ok so either they attacked me and someone killed Clone
Or they attacked someone else and Cloned saved them
Or or
Both me and Clone/person Cloned save was attacked.

Or or or or

Clone also protected me.

I don’t know which one honestly

Am I like the only one that updates my logs like every day so we know who I target lmao

Ami is zzz still dont like how convenient their claim is but shrug

I don’t like gorta either. Why hasn’t he been vigged yet like this entire game

Apparently the only Vig claim is Ami

Eevee isn’t vig? Bruh

So your thinking Ami Is the Non-Mafia Scum?

Nope, they retracted


/vote ami @Mercenary

Eevee might have scum slipped hold on


Oh lord

Yep here.

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They never claimed 1-Shot.
They claimed Unlimited.
Slip within a fake claim.

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/Vote Eevee


It’s possible Eevee is Mafia 1-Shot Vig

That’s why 2 kills exits.

What a funny little scumslip thanks for pointing that out seth doubt I would figure that out myself because I lack the braincells

/vote eevee @Mercenary

… but why

Surge, stop trying to find fake scum slips.

Because surge is a giant target as we can see clearly either I healed him again or cloned protected him