[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Why is Eevee not PoE?

It is LOL

I didn’t read thread that’s why I assumed it was and I prob should’ve read it back more

the reason they aren’t killing me is because they are hoping you’ll do it for them during the day, so they get 2 town out and don’t have to waste the nightkill

if gghana was attacked then it’s pretty clear i’m not with the scumteam who attacked him

If you were aligned to a scumteam im p sure in most cases your team will give no shits to your slot

Since you’re lovers with Ghana

well they still wouldn’t try killing gghana because that would kill me

a 1 for 1 at that point isn’t worth it

A fruit vendor over a tracker?


That’s a pretty good trade actually, unless you’re the only mafia left. In that case, it is a bad trade.

I don’t believe there’s werewolves. My reasoning for this is the lack of nightkills.

I think there’s another psychotrooper for that reason. Tsu could honestly be seer. TL is scum in my eyes.

I believe the scumfactions are mafia and cult/aliens.

I am more certain of aliens because soul flipped as one, but that doesn’t mean cult doesn’t exist. I just believe there aren’t werewolves.

Take this with a grain of salt though because I’m guessing

A seer has nothing to gain by fakeclaiming a coat and randomly saying they had a redcheck on light before switching and claiming they checked the same person and that their initial redcheck was a joke. I don’t see town jokingly doing that as there is literally nothing to claim

Tsu could be a seer, very much can be an evil aligned seer. I don’t think TL is town OR a seer at all mostly because they have barely done any solving on their own besides pushing a redcheck that just coincidentally was the same as tsus. Not to mention literally everytime I bring it up I get insulted instead of given an actual argument which is :joy_cat:

I don’t know about Ami. I think Evil!Ami could be either mafia with Arctic (I actually should look and see how they interacted but Ami is like dead activity wise so shrug I’m still gonna look) or they can be a vig aligned with aliens/cult or light couldve just been the alien faction kill anyway. This isn’t calling you lockscum I’m looking at possibilities that make sense to me I also just need to look how Arctic and Ami interacted with ATN anyway

I’m only confident on Surge/Ghana/Tro/App town rn and that’s a little concerning but whatever it’s just because I have trouble reading people unless I believe they’re being blatantly obvious whys feels town to me too but not as confident

Not gonna ask what the fuck eevee is solving eevee in my mind is the equivalent of a toddler trying to take the sat or something

I also think gorta is evil as well and considering I highly doubt there’s a vig I feel like the more we put off just killing him the more problematic it’s going to be in the future tbh. It seems like other scum facts don’t want to get rid of him either or they can’t because lawlnofactionalnightkill

For this reason I kinda wanna get it over with /vote gorta @Mercenary

Tsumugi - 2/7 - GGhana, Ami
Gorta - 1/7 - Min

min voting for 2 people at once


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bröther give me vötes


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I did get an answer from the host on this. Bodyguard only blocks once. So whomever Cheese guarded was only attacked once.


That makes me assume there’s only one faction here that has the ability to kill daily

Light was sk. He had a nightkill and now he’s dead tho

Actually…yknow what I just realized? If mafia truely is the only killing faction this game which I believe it is, Ami might be cleared

Eevee said they aren’t vig, which leads me to believe that mafia killed soul and the aliens couldve used their 1 factional kill on Amelia.

Light attacked seth and I healed seth.

Night two, it’s pretty safe to assume according to ami that mafia tried to kill ghana and I healed them. Light killed wiisp. Ami vigged light.

Only cheese died today while defending someone. This makes me think there is only mafia as a killing faction left.

I hope I make sense ?

What you said makes sense, though it sounded like people found it hard to believe the Aliens would use their 1 factional kill N1. And even if so, they wouldn’t use it on Amelia. Like if Soul was the only Alien, he might have used it N1 because he thought he’d be killed anyway. But then he probably would have killed Eevee instead.

That’s true

Honestly that’s all that makes sense to me though

None of the other kills have made me believe there’s werewolves. I genuinely think it’s just mafia/aliens and if soul was solo then mafia/cult

Part of me wonders if one faction is kind of sitting back and letting the other do the kills for now. Like maybe to avoid getting tracked or something. Or maybe they only did a kill N1, but nothing after that.

Tell me about your cult theory


The thing is, I haven’t got any towny pings from eevee at all.

Why is TL scum? I have a townread on them

I want people to explain the cult theory