[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Because he probably wasn’t thinking to wait and he then decided to change his claim when tsu did so scum can make mistakes and dumb moves

it’s not logic

it’s factual

even if i am pushing agenda because you think i scum, it doesn’t change that my post is factual

that doesnt answer my question

what does he gain from it.

I mean its literally not

It’s your opinion, so it’s not factual.

this isn’t an opinion
this is factual

it is not

you saying you agree on a scumread of TL for the reasons you said is your opinion not fact.

ah well that’s the thing

the agreeing part is my opinion

but my reasons are factual and you are still refusing to comment on them


thats not how

ok im done

that is exactly how it works

say in a game of ToL someone is outted as evil and they say ‘i may be evil, but 4 claimed roleblocked and there are no possible roleblockers so they are also evil’

the outted individual may be evil, may have agenda to push and may think 4 is evil (an opinion)

but it doesn’t change the factuality of what they said about 4 being unable to be roleblocked

and no, i am not openwolfing here, just trying to see it from your POV since you are fixated on me being evil

even though i may have my own agenda, you should still consider the factuality in my posts and try to be productive in the event that i am town

or you can just tunnel me to death just like with osie, and see how many more people you get killed

But its not factual. Reads are not factual, there is no hard mech info to influence reads. They are your opinion and acting like they aren’t is dishonest.

the post is commenting on what someone said

TL said what i said he did - therefore it’s a fact

so yes, my read on TL is an opinion

the reasons why i have that opinion, however, are factual

so your scumread on TL is based purely of of mech

lol ok

and i already explained why that doesnt make sense as well

my scumread on TL is based on what he said
a fact doesn’t have to be mech

and i explained why it does in my analogy

I think at this point I should just accept you aren’t actually gonna accept reason. So I’m gonna be the bigger man and stop this. You’re just gonna use this to shade me/say my reads are bad so I’m not gonna go along with it.

it’s called a joke

you might’ve heard of one theyre really funny


@TrustworthyLiberal I do think you are slanking a bit though, I would like to hear from you.