[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Because by mathematics, Eevee would have converted at least 1 of the Lovers.

Most likely GGhana

Also if Eevee ain’t gonna claim their real role, then they are just anti town.
There’s like no role RN that won’t benefit us upon claimZ

If their Doc/BG then them and Min do a double protect
If their Investigation (which I doubt) they would have a lead
If their Roleblocker they say who they RB’ed so we can narrow down PoE and discuss who they should RB next.
And if they are a useless role then there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for them not to claim it and if they then claim it later on they are ALWAYS SCUM NO MATTER WHAT

So you think Eevee is cult one shot recruiter then?

Not sure about recruiter

I think it’s possible Cult has an auto factional convert

Better question

What does scum gain from fake claiming for no reason then randomly coming out as fake

I have no idea, when I looked up the setup

Ask mercenary?

Not getting caught in a lie because of claiming a role they can’t fake anymore.

Also another thing

What does town gain from fake claiming and then coming out as fake.

They gain the chance to figure out who actually made the kill and why it was made

Or also another thing as well

They can also try to bait the night kill away from a more powerful townsfolk.

They had that opportunity while we didn’t.
It was information that they held to themselves that they should have been looking more into as no one else could.

Because they didn’t allow others to discuss the Soul kill and how it happened it harmed us.
It is also an easy way for Eevee to avoid being targeted for a lynch because they get to hold an easy Claim that makes sense to others but they are unable to continue to prove that fake claim.

Because Vigilante is more threatening then every other role?

Then why would he come out as not even being a vig out of nowhere?

Why wouldnt he just claim to be a one shot vigilante if he wanted to hide the night kill?


Me and Min are threats
Your a threat
Confirmed TI’s and TI Green Checks are threats

Vigilante would be the lowest priority and you also need to consider the fact that they can miss shoot.

Well now your just talking out of your ass