[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Final Votecount

Voted Count Accusers
Gorta 4/7 Eevee, Trochilidae, Min, TL
Tsumugi 3/7 GGhana, Ami, Whysper
TL 1/7 Surge

Did you know? Host spent like 4 hours today writing a novel on Wattpad!


I mean if gorta is prince, we can focus on other people kinda.

We still need psychotrooper and this proves he is not one, if lynch fails.

everyone shhhhh


There was no lynch today.

Night 4 starts now and ends in…



Since people have asked, I’ll start to allow night-skipping.

If you want to skip the night, say “skip” on your classcard to lock your action. I’ll skip the night if all alive players skip.


Night 4 has ended.

3 people were found dead last night.

Trochilidae was loved by all and will be dearly remembered.



Town One-Shot Recruiter

Once per game, at night, you can select a player. They will join your faction.
Defeat the Mafia, Werewolves, Aliens, Cult, Serial Killers, and any Condemners with Town targets.

STREAMING-CHAN's Twitch description

yes, i lied and no i don’t feel sorry
my whole purpose doing this was to hopefully eat a fear NK because

  1. i’m just VT after i use my ability so no big loss if i die
  2. ensure better players/better PRs live longer because scum will hopefully be focused on me now

also i do wanna see who people suggest i shoot and why so i can make reads from it, sue me

N1: no action
N2: convert app

if app is in fact a condemner, he is town now .


and yes eli made me a fucking town converter wowee moment.

GGhana had a motorcycle crash.



Town Lover Tracker

Every night, you may choose a player to see who they visited that night. If your lover dies, you will commit suicide. Suicide is a strongman death.
Defeat the Mafia, Werewolves, Aliens, Cult, Serial Killers, and any Condemners with Town targets.

GGhana's morning prayer

N1: track arctic, arctic visit whysp, become lovers with arctic (fucking cupid)
N2: track ami

yo wassup ghana here coming at you from dead chat

im gonna try to explain my reads so when i die everybody can debate whether theyre correct or not

anyways starting from the top

Eli > Trochilidae

I’m not sure how to read this slot, they posted lots of fluff but it felt natural, kinda like amelias fluff. Also they claimed vig so its +ev to keep them alive and bully them into killing people we want



I think at this point since basically every single post is just a stream of conciousness coming from min. And they aren’t even bothered about trying to shade people. I think at this point Min is just town



cloned is inactive as scum
cloned is inactive
give me town team player


Gorta :
End of day 2 was terrible, that was a godawful push. Just copying Wiisp’s read, not even mentioning them taking an hour to post what was basically just a few quotes and leaving out important context to shade Min. Plus AT’s spew puts massive amounts of shade on them, pretty sure that Gorta’s B O X E D I N at this point

At this point I can only assume that end of day 2 was just because AT’s ISO makes Gorta look shady as fuck.

L :joy_cat: O :joy_cat: C :joy_cat: K :joy_cat: S :joy_cat: C :joy_cat: U :joy_cat: M


sounded like they wanted to die

also no way gortas not getting viged so who cares about this slot

L :joy_cat: O :joy_cat: C :joy_cat: K :joy_cat: S :joy_cat: C :joy_cat: U :joy_cat: M TECHNICALLY SINCE CONDEMNER IS ANTI TOWN


Their interaction with AT is basically the only way I can read them right now, I’m guessing ami is probably not mafia. But I have a lot of tinfoil that Ami is mafia who bussed AT to get towncred. Since Ami, and especially AT’s pushes at EoD felt unnatural.

Scumlean (lol tinfoil)


I find his interactions with Gorta strange,

and im not sure how to think about statements like these, I feel like a lot of his posts feel forced. Especially a lot of his reactions to arguments that occurred during the day

Updated for day 2: not sure how to feel about this slot still, i’m just gonna put them down as nullscum. I will try to read this slot later






This is almost certainly town, all their posts make sense they dont seem forced. They arent trying to pick fights theyre patient with others and try to propose theories instead of just sheeping reads. Metawise they seem to be acting exactly like other games where I’ve seen whysper as town

Updated for day 2: Also as an additional thing, whysper has basically been spewed not maf at this point, thanks AT



They just regurgitated whyspers argument, had to be prodded incessantly for it and as soon as it turned into a major fight they immediately dipped.

posts like this just seem really weird to me, it feels like they realized they had a way to shade gorta/crichard and jumped on it. Which makes more sense considering that they literally just copy-pasted whyspers argument, then they fanned the flames for surge which caused the thread to be derailed AGAIN. And they only put in effort when asked/when it throws shade. All of their posts feel forced to me, like they were trying to appear town while shading people

Updated for Day 2: why is this still here anyways we’re lovers now hes fucking dead

L :joy_cat: O :joy_cat: C :joy_cat: K :joy_cat: S :joy_cat: C :joy_cat: U :joy_cat: M

CRichard, > Onie

oh god this slot, ive been waffling over it for the past 24 hours, at the start they seemed very towny to me, But then the interaction with surge (I think surge’s arguments are bollocks but thats another story) happened, and I noticed that they often feel like a scum whos trying to put in lots of effort, and make a lot of posts to seem like a member of the town. I feel like a lot of their later posts feels like lolcatting but that can easily be a frustrated villager. They also arent handling surge how I would expect an experience town player to handle them. I think I’ll need another opinion on this (someone who isnt scummy as fuck and isnt surge :upside_down_face:)

Updated for day 2: I think I’ll have to settle for a scumread on this one, I feel like a lot of their explanations don’t make sense. So I think theyre gonna be stuck in PoE hell forever. Sorry if you actually are town Onie. But you did make me a lover with my highest scumread so thats karma I guess



At least this is easy, their posts feel natural. Their start of day 1 was great for a townie, they’ve handled all the fights in thread like how I’d expect a town to handle them, and their end of day 1 is great

Updated for day 2 : well if gorta is maf (which he probably is) light is spewed not maf lmao



this is gonna be a hard one

This feels like a scum slot to me, and it’s really hard to put into words why I think that. Starting off theres a bit of fluff, thats to be expected. Then they get into a fight with Soul, and I kinda feel like they were really trying to drag out the fight as long as possible (I’m not sure if this is correct, plus people in glass houses and all) plus I dont like how they used the fight to eventually get pity points. And I dont feel like all the other hyperposters (sorry for flooding chat) they dont really discuss anything productive, it feels like most of their posts are forced, or they try to pick another fight with Soul. Plus they feel very evasive and try to avoid peoples questions, in the context of Soul, they feel like W/W, and theyre both from different teams.

Updated for Day 2 : I just realized I’ve been reading this slot wrong this entire time, he just does not give any fucks at all. He does not give a fuck about dying he doesnt give a fuck what we say or what we do. He just doesnt give a crap

now that is a town god



At the start I got weird vibes from them, but later on they do seem very townie to me, but something seems off to me and I cant really explain it. Posts like these

give me a weird vibe. I do think this is town whos made a couple of weird posts, but at this point anything is possible.

Updated for Day 2: Well they certainly arent mafia for sure, so that’s great. And an Alien Deepwolf isn’t exactly my biggest priority right now, So I feel comfortable saying they’re town.



This does feel like scum trying to go under the radar IMO, they kinda feel like often theyre trying to go with the flow in a scummy way. They should definitely be in the PoE especially since at this point their role claim has kinda exhausted it’s use (confirming there was a psychotrooper in game) especially since it’s very unlikely at this point that we have werewolves.


and there u have it, reads list. TLDR version

:joy_cat: Surge, Whysper, Light, Min, Eevee

:smile_cat: Wiisp

:neutral_face: Trochi, TL

:raccoon: Tsumugi, Onie, Ami, Clonedcheese

:wolf: Arctic, Gorta

:poop: Apprentice

ArcticXI was found on a closed garage. Oops.

Beatrice Albert


Town Lover Fruit Vendor

Every night, you may choose a player. They will receive fruit. Fruit does nothing. If your lover dies, you will commit suicide. Suicide is a strongman death.
Defeat the Mafia, Werewolves, Aliens, Cult, Serial Killers, and any Condemners with Town targets.

ArcticXI's fruit selling strategy

Town Fruit Seller

N1 - Whysper
N2 - nothing because i didn’t submit lol
N3 - GGhana
N4 - eevee

i had kinda crappy choices for classcard (town treestump, town evangelist and mafia fruit seller) but i wanted to be town in my first game so rip

ami is probably scum because they only claimed to have shot light after they were outted by a tracker and they never softed vig/scumread light beforehand so this really just looks like a deer caught in the headlights

update: ok ami is almost certainly scum at this point, after reading the thread it seemed like we were going to CFD ami yet it suddenly got changed to gorta and because he’s prince nothing happened. a second party (aka ami’s teammmates) swapped the CFD from her to gorta last second and this is a dead giveaway

Day 5 starts now and ends in 48 hours! Majority is 5.


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As requested:


You may talk now.

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miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin, you had one task.

Vote gortu today no matter what

Gortu isn’t a werewolf from my check!!!

Second of all that confirms two factions, so screw all conspiracy theories.

Meaning he IS a WEREWOLF

Yeah, TL, I get it.

And I still think he attacked me earlier and that’s why he was pushing me.
It all adds up.

Either way, it was good decision to yeet him yesterday.
Possibly also yeet Ami, but like… if Ami is scum, they have a teammate or didn’t kill last ni… huh, that would explain one kill last night.

While since i have a red check i prefore Gortu>Ami today obviously.

/Vote Gortu

and yeah i did last second vote him over Tsmu saw you claim seemed to make sense mostly and was already trusting you as you know thought we had another hour though cause day started at 4:45 and ended at 3:45.

an_Gorta - 1/5 - TL

Please Remember that all Psychotrooper candidates and Gorta are PoE.

Psychotrooper Candidates:
Trustworthy Liberal - Most Likely
Tsumugi - Least Likely

/Vote TL

Surge, seriously stop.