[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Ive been following most of the game

I know my slot is outted doctor and I know I heal apprentice

now let’s blast the openwolf, shall we?

CFD to Marshal

Ami should die after gorta

1-shot vig fter never mentioning the player is MEMES

Im not gonna lie I highkey shocked htis is town seeing as he called exactly the alien godfather the alien godfather but we take these

I was gonna push for Ami to die over osie but that sounded like too much work

I mean osie was redchecked so lol

I am fan of blasting Tsumugi off of the face of the earth cuz of what osie said but I dont rlly expect to live to that point

hope I die before hydra event

video games

I also felt like they had some bad faith pushes so I pretty easily talked myself out of it

im not gonna restate actions and stuff in a lame attempt to spew myself clear

its surge ghana surge ghana but I knew that anyways

if wolves want to keep me alive they keep app alive (or have like strongmans/roleblockers but :joy_cat:)

we literally always kill outted scum

feelsbad for gorta (I do think he’s being genuine) but if he’s lying its bad for us and if hes not lying and then decides to pull a gamer move in which he stabs many villagers by accident o on purpose


rip gorta lol

yeah well its bs that I had to play around two freaking psychotroopers, when my brain wanted to believe only 1 existed.

Doesn’t make me scum.

I know we have

App - Condemner > VT
Marshal - dr. pepper
Tsu - WW-peeking seer
Eevee - 1 shot BP
Gorta - WW
Ami - 1 shot vig

Wats surge/TL/Whys claims again?

I am seer

The one that peeked Gortu

Surge is backup doc and Whys no claim

oh right

So I heal app, surge or me or surge and me get yeeted and then we video game

I think game is prettty close to mechlocked but could be random shit I’m not expecting

dude theres no way we can call this mechlock when theres like 10000000000000 roles and some of them can randomly turn the towncore into one amalgamous beast that can permaban anyone who visits 3 people below them on the playerlist

Ok no mechlock but extreme sadness if we somehow lose

how much do we blindly sheep this into the sun