[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

dont give him ideas

Can we… not?

Won’t work if they have a third

If they at any point have a third.
It’s GG

It’s only a 1-shot recruiter, is it not?

Hey Surge, Tsumugi claimed to visit me last night :^)

We get TL to confirm it, then we get Ami the next day.


I’m considering the possibility of Cult Black Goo

He thinks I’m black goo apparently.


Your either that or TL is that and your starting Cult

I can’t beleve how much is flying over head right now

Your scim

Haha, I was just thinking the other day. If someone did roll black goo as a possibility, they probably chose it. That’s just too fun to pass up. :slight_smile:

I mean really the only reason I think this is a decent possibility is because of that dumb alien godfather comment min made into the Wiisp nightkill but meh I think I’d rather kill Ami

Get outta ma game



No i agree

min calling out specifically the alien godfather as alien godfather is absolute memes tbh

I checked Eevee and claimed it N3 then you checked them again last night so you doubled up.
And claimed you holstered yesterday so you wasted two nights or was the point to double check my checks?