[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Well it would ease my thought on Triple Cult.
Because for that to be accurate I’m pretty sure Tsumugi would be apart of it and if they ain’t Cult they are Mafia so I wouldn’t mind going there

Tell you what TL, you vote Tsumugi I’ll vote them with you.

Your probably Cult but I wouldn’t mind the Unknown Mafia out of the way.

Although your plan here could just be remove Ami and Ami might be solo Mafia and Cult wins via Numbers

Like the way I see it.
Ami is always Mafia and most likely Psycho.

The question remains, what’s Tsumugi

Like Seer is never all Town and most likely both Scum.
I haven’t trusted Eevee this entire game and still find no reason to.

I’d rather ami be dead than the game be dead

lets cuddle her

What’s wrong with Tsumugi?

Yeah no one else is giving reasons to go else where so

/Vote Ami

Yeah I don’t trust this

Are you already converted?

We should vote Tsumugi.
I don’t trust this. Feels like Cult has numbers.
I really do think Ami is just solo scum here like Gorta was.


If you guys vote Ami and we are some how still here Day 7.
You guys need to vote within the Seers.

No exceptions.

how bout this seth

if you vote ami today
I promise to vote one of the seers tommorow

And don’t think I don’t know what you guys might pull.
You might find a way to vote out of it and that ain’t happening while I’m alive.

This is assuming your not Cult with them though in which case you’ll have the numbers to vote me out tomorrow.

I feel like if I vote Ami here, game just ends in a Cult Win.

but i’m not cult tho