[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Well then we need to stop fighting and put our thinking caps on

If Marshal is converted then it’s only me you, apprentice and maybe Whysper as last town left

Either or I’m convinced TL is Cult Aligned

Your either Black Goo or BP or converted to Cult

I don’t know who’s Cult but whoever it is I hope mafia kills you.

If Ami is last mafia

Ima push TL tomorrow

Why do you even think cult exists to begin with?

Makes most sense

w h a t t h e h e l l

No, it doesn’t?

If cult doesn’t get factional convert, than it’s worst faction to pick, considering they have no kill, no convert, lose endgames against all other factions?

yo eevee wanna just hammer?

I feel like if Ami is town they actually exist today instead of not.

and while Marshal is weird he just loses if he’s scum since he’s probably exactly Alien

@Ami do you exist?

I will take that as “no”


Existance is indicative of cult being a thing.

Vote: ami


Kinda just done with this bsck and forth cult stuff.

I’m stating to believe that cult talk is becouse cult really exists.

Then again, only person who is starting cult talk is Surge :^)

Alright Eevee.
Think we win.
They won’t suspect us being Alien with that much Cult talk.
