[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

I’m here catching up on thread. I was in the other game thread for a bit, but switching to here.

I hadn’t expected that Eevee was doctor. But that explains lack of night kills. We had even more protection than we originally thought.

I’ve heard it said that you always no lynch during MyLo. But just so I understand, are you saying we have enough info already and that waiting doesn’t help? Like for instance since App is confirmed, and probably you, TL.

Amelia - xxx (mafia kill?) Due to Mylo this is pretty much confiremed mafia.

Light - Ami kill (Factional?) Confirmed Factional
Eevee targeted Artic here no kill hit there.

Cheese - Redirected kill (?) Redireced from artic i am pretty sure
(werewolfs claimed to attack min) Eevee protected this attack.

Nothing changed here and both kills are the same

No kills?
I was protected so i assume they tryied to kill me and i know this means something over all but what is it. I actually think i am less likely to want to vote Tsumugi with this information cause i feel me dieing here would make them on the spot light.

You don’t No Lynch in Mylo when you have confirms from my knowledge.

As the confirms just die and we have no investigator really to help find mafia.
We have two Seer claims sure but that doesn’t help

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I ftr am no longer in favor of nolynch because if we hit correctly and I save then we get an extra execution

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If your town of course :smiley:

if I’m not that means seth is a doctor anyways does it not

or like

is he a doctor?
That part isn’t clear

like does he backup eevee yet or no

He claimed he hadden’t yet

I’m interested in knowing if it’s becuase it doesn’t backup masondoctor or all doctors have to die or smn or other

Well my Classcard was updated so I’m assuming I’m Doc now?

Tbh I thought that was said in day chat

I was like what does that mean

Then I realized it was in my classcard

Curse you for being ahead of me by 300 posts!

You will rue the day I tell yeah.

Like I’m going to stab your corpse and do worse then what the mafia did to you.
Not only did you play well but you had more posts then anyone in the game.

But it’s my turn to carry this game home.

Yeah I’m not really trusting both seer claims are Town.

No Way.