[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

Honestly unless hes just faking actions, these heals are pretty clean.

Like NKA makes these actions look super legit when combined with eevees? Like there could be some whacko-banana stuff with this setup, but I think there’s just too much in the slots favor mechanically and socially from min for me to vote Marshal, not even considering Marshal’s behavior since subbing in.

I’m not voting TL or Surge

Tbh I think we only lose to like exactly mafia one-shot recruiter worlds? Which meh if we lose to that I can just blame setup

Hmmm mafia one-shot recruiter probably makes most sense with Marshal/Tsu team

and I think Marshal pushes for no-lynch in that

might be wrong but weh

I mean like

Surge being wolf and posting 1/8 of the thread constantly pushing people would floor me

TL being wolf is… possible??? If wolves nokilled cuz they knew it was my lo
But I socially Vread TL

App being wolf is lolmechanics but I don’t buy it lmao

That leaves tsu and whys for me

I find the odds of a recruiter existing here very slim.

Surge is clean

If the game doesnt end here I think going into d8 or its either marshall or tl for me.

I would go as far to push TL over marshall due to everything you brought up.

I know I am clean so I can debunk your logic right there LOL.

me: Tsu is lockclear since yesterday wasn’t mylo

Host 1 second later: oops yesterday was mylo

This doesn’t cut it for me cause he loves to post, idk if you have some game where hes seen to post less as a scum faction.

LMAO if only it was that easy, cauyse then I wouldn’t have to worry about getting yeeted here losing the game for town.

either way I will just vote whysper here

Vote: Whysper


Unless there’s like some BS world where apprentice actually is scum I think this is the right choice.

Don’t dissapear people :frowning:



pls be here to ya know actually vote

its plurality at EOD, so we need atleast 3 votes on whysper.

App who do I vote I gtg

I’m probably voting Tsu

Well then I’ll stay


Now I gotta go

Hope I don’t come back to an L

@ChopChop heal tL of game doesn’t end

inb4 we don’t even have people on to vote

shrug if u vote me town just lose.

Atlesat vote fucking whysper over me if you think both of us are scum.

I am here trying to help solve the game to the best of my ability.

I don’t know how else to convince you, I don’t wanna lose this game.