[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

This to be more exact.

Holy shit drop it

It wasn’t even in the whole conversation.

It was meant to be a joke but you clearly can’t fucking understand that

He was probably just joking :slight_smile:

I’m blocking you for day 1 you aren’t being productive

I’ll unblock you day 2 but you’re actually annpying me with this

They were referencing previous game in post before it.

Usually people are joking whenever they say anything about a policy lynch. Unless it is in response to something everyone is already clearly agreeing is bad.

I feel like the only response I can say is that it was a joke because it was meant to be in light spirit but it feels like it’s been twisted to me being salty and hating eevee.

I apologise if it comes across that way I’m blocking eevee for the day I’m not discussing it because it will lead to me getting annoyed and saying stuff that is immature

Another example of a joke being badly received because LUL people have trouble reading tone from internet conversation.

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I’m reading both Eevee and Soul as town. Eevee I think is sincerely frustrated and a bit sensitive about getting read as scum just because of the previous game. They don’t want to be pigeon-holed into a smart scum tinfoil and ML’d early from now on. As for Soul, I’m guessing he wouldn’t choose scum again in this game after what happened last game. And he seemed to be jokingly claiming SK or some sort of scum faction, so thinking he’s just town for that.

Jokes or not, they could have deescalated it lobg ago when I asked them why they posted it.

Instead I was called idiot and looser.

I’m mostly annoyed that Soul memed and when I asked for why they post bullshit I got called names instead of simple explanation.

demoknight tf2

oh crap

min townlean
soul scumlean
reads lol
gghana null because i’ve seen that him as scum is super pecking active therefore activity for him is NAI

Well yeah, Soul didn’t react very well. But I think your aggressiveness was off-putting and he’s the type of person who doesn’t respond well to that kind of thing. :slight_smile:

Very informative reads back to tf2


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Oh right, vig thing was not a joke.

Im assuming Im dying n1 anyway, so I will just use it.

And rn TL is the one most likely dying.

Hence me ignoring them but I’m only responsing based off your response I have respect for this community enough to restrain myself from getting toxic