[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins



What reads do you have other than each other?

I mean, there has to be atleast one wolf to start the game.

With WOTM, probability can go out the window.

This is why I said the mech talk was dumb.


Why should it go out the window?




Surge (seth) seems pretty honest and townie
Whysper definitely similar to their standard town games

Gghana I feel like they keep pushing for tinfoil theories bit pushy on other peoples content too early without letting players to flesh out
Richard idk they definitely feel the same as last game call it a gut read

And what’s wrong with that? There’s nothing wrong with exploring theories no?

These seem like easy reads in my opinion, no offence but I’ve been busy and these are basically my exact reads. Why don’t you have anything better?

Can someone tell Soul that I actually want to talk with them instead of shooting them blind, and that lack of interactions is not gonna help them?

Meh I feel like its a bit odd wouldn’t say there’s anything inheritly bad but you seem to be oushing weird theories without actually having any good idea on reads ect.

At least thats how it’s come across to me

Yeah easy reads are easy

I didn’t need to isos dive yet to read gg <3

Eevee, I highly doubt you should vig soul.

If you both are town, that’s two town dead by d2.

holy fuck
What did i just read

take a goddamn shot of whisky then come back

I mean my thinking is that it’s day 1, and we have no-Exe so we should spend today trying to get as many reads and weird theories out there and see if it makes sense. Like for example my tinfoil on Wiisp, I asked about it and we discussed and and I retracted it. Isn’t that a good thing?

I said I’ll unblock him in 12 hours he can stfu and do something that isn’t mech talking

Mainly setup spec.

For this game to start, we needed atleast 1 person picking wolf and 50% of the playerlist (which is 10) to pick town

I would think atleast one person would have no choice but to pick wolf as their alignment.

Plus host can easily rerand their card thus distorting probability.

Last game eevee talked about mech and theories all the time

welcome to this shitshow

I need it

sup ami gib content or looser

How much of the thread have you read ami. I’d like to hear your thoughts