[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

I chose Werewolf Dayvig and Discarded Town Vengeful.
Then I get 3 Town roles during the re-roll and cry myself to sleep.

Well considering I got all Town I wouldn’t doubt that someone could get all Scum.

Is that what you did?

gghana already mentioned this but gorta’s and crich’s discards are concerning for me

most other discarded town classes were fairly weak, but theirs didn’t seem that bad. so we have to hope they got another town alignment pick (fairly likely) and a third pick which was a stronger role than the discards (unlikely?)

so i’m still sus

That’s what Day Vigilantes are for, which makes me cry because I didn’t receive a Day Vigilante Card during the Second Tims.

Gorta - Town Tracker
CRich - Town Mason

What does Mason do in this game?
Is it just confirmed not Mafia or is it entirely confirmed Town?

It’s considered angleshooting.

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Well, actually I need to head to bed now. But I just agreed that Clone gave up a potentially cool addition to the game. Haha. :slight_smile:

What I’m actually curious about is what Eevee ended up choosing. I can imagine that could be scary if they happened to get interesting choices. Now they would have chosen the One-shot Cult Recruiter. :slight_smile:

frick we all already did this

this game from what I understand doesn’t actually change the roles, so a mason pair would be confirmed town, and bad play if two wolves were claiming it

I think tho that masons are just
Confirmed not mafia because there’s explicitly survivor and werewolf masons in the list

where is this list?

Should be in the OP


Why are we so concerned with previous roles? I wouldn’t go as far as to state its angle shooting, however, it serves no purpose. If it were used to try to catch scum that would be considered angle shooting.

I don’t know how a reroll happened. Last time I played Greatest Idea it was done in a way that prevented there from being too many anti town in the distribution.


Honestly I thought it was just icebreakers because 50 posts in

Wisp claiming Miller in his first post checks out to me. He/she did it on their first post which is how I would expect a miller to be handled by a good player.


If I had to shoot someone, it would be GGhana. A lot of baseless accusations and poking at rolls from the first round that didn’t matter.

I don’t really see how its angleshooting, but it is what it is

ya I get that nervous energy from him