[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

I said stab not shoot

Now I have to clean up this mess

Btw who are you townreading so far?

I’m not worrying about deepwolfs, cause Wisp isn’t deep to begin with.


Wiisp because I liked the way they came out with their claim and general solveyness
Seth because Seth
Tsumugi and CRich because solving right off the bat

Would probably have more but brain is fried rn from meth tast

well that is certainly an answer to your above statement
and the answer is you don’t


Could you explain this one in more detail? They’re currently nullscum for me so

i already claimed miller as a wolf once, im not insane enough to do it again
its bad play, just like when you claimed miller with your partner once as a wolf



I liked how they came in with social solveyness

What more detail do you want

Hey, I won that game when I claiemd masons with my scumpartner.

Better yet

Why do you have them as nullscum

yeah but that isn’t really AI in my opinion. Being townie is showing effort in solving the game through the entire game

its so hard for me to care about tsumugi since I know who they are, so I’ll leave it at that
Im trying to read their posts from an uninformed perspective but its hard
so you guys can handle that

and this thread has 90% no effort

Because I don’t think one post where they tried to solve and then dip is good enough. “I think someone is scum for x” is easy to fake as scum

But like wisp…

Mafia fursuit

You claim fursuit d1, you investigate as it (instead of mafia) and when all wolfs are eliminated (and mafia still remains) you are confirmed town and carry victory for mafia.

Sounds as nice plan, isn’t it?

tracker/watcher go brrrrrrr

I’m pretty sure hirsute goon still investigates as mafia to cops

not based on what my role card states, but who knows