[SFM] Va-11 Hall-A Greatest Idea Game Thread - Day 7 (5/19) - Mafia Wins

I wouldn’t be surprised if that were a T v T fight.
I’ve noticed that usually the most heated fights tend to be between townies.
Still as it’s D1, that’s a snap read that can be proven wrong.

Oh i agree with this generaly (But i activly hate people doing it.)

It’s those arguments that make me wish I could remotely shut down their PCs/Mobiles so they can take time away from the screen.

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Okay a skim makes me just wanna avoid the slots right now am not gonna lie.
Atleast we have no yeet today so its not like a soild needs to be set RIGHT NOW.
am sleeping now since its 2:30am hehe

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Eh it could have been worse if either Soul or Eevee were substituted for someone else who can be more toxic than either of them.

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Yeah thankfully i think both of them likely to be fine as it goes on.

Yes because I’m a toxic and disgusting person

I shall cleanse myself of toxicity

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Unblcoking you please argue something other then drama related.

Things like mech are fine but I generally wanna talk about why we should be reading someone.

Getting tired here.
Oh before I go.
That would be great no punishment.

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I would like to point out reading someone solely on meta as Gorta is doing with Ami isn’t something I recommend. Though I find Gorta’s attempt to find villagers towny, even though Ami claims to have told Gorta their meta, that can easily change.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying don’t ever use meta to read people. Heck I use meta as part of my reads on people. Yet it should be thought of as a side dish, not the main course.

It could change easily, but for now I don’t get much try harding from Ami. The gimmick with this game is that there could be several scum factions each with very few numbers. Last game I only had one scummate, so yeah you would expect scum to want to take more control over the thread.

I’m going to sleep now

tomorrow to make sure I am not neglecting this game I plan to put a few hours here and a few hours in my other game(s) because I need to find balance with multiple games


I’m scumreading you for deflecting all questions, not becouse of drama.

As I said, my discussion wasn’t personal, and I pretty much ignored all fucks offs etc from you, but the point is… you don’t really answer questions when you are asked.
And not only for me, when GGhana was asking you, you also deflected question instead of answering.

Yes we don’t know how many scum factions there are.
Still I remember being able to read Ami once they start posting on topic.
Bed time is here.

that’s actually a very valid point because if you remember correctly in enemy within 4 that’s exactly what Soul did when I would pressure them to answer questions about the nightkills

The next night I went Ka-Boom and had my role cleaned

yeah so i don’t have time for anything major until i get a home

but i’d like to ask eevee why i am a TR for them? i have hardly contributed anything

the main thing i identify with here is whysper’s read on crich who is in my opinion alarmingly being incorrectly TR’ed (basically everything whysper said and the fact he discarded town mason)

anyway, sleepy time